E – conservatory in the garden

coperture tetti ciechi

BLIND ROOFS << Back to BLIND ROOFS Portofino A traditional style was chosen for this conservatory in the garden, with framed glass panels and a matchboarded roof with exposed beams. All in the timeless ivory white colour.

D – essential entrance hall

BLIND ROOFS << Back to BLIND ROOFS Rome The neutral and essential entrance hall of this hotel finds its distinctive and elegant feature in the unique design of its blind roof.

C – matchboarded ceiling in classic white

BLIND ROOFS << Back to BLIND ROOFS Genoa The matchboarded ceiling in classic white wood transforms this conservatory, which overlooks the swimming pool, into the quarterdeck of a sailing ship stretched out to sea.

B – terrace blind roof

BLIND ROOFS << Back to BLIND ROOFS Milan In a terrace very exposed to the sun, the choice of a blind roof makes the added space much more welcoming and liveable even in the hottest seasons.

A – blind roof novara

BLIND ROOFS << Back to BLIND ROOFS Novara A marvellous conservatory with canopy where the special shape of the blind roof becomes a focal point, a distinctive scenic element.

F – Mezzanines

Consulenza per scale personalizzate

STAIRS << Back to STAIRS Mezzanines To exploit the space’s height, mezzanines can be created that echo the style, lines and colours of the room in which they are inserted, maintaining the typical effect of lightness and transparency.

E – glass stairs

Scale in vetro e acciaio per un design moderno a Torino

GLASS << Back to STAIRS Glass Square Garden’s craftsmanship meets every need to connect one floor to another, also using glass and creating unique pieces, perfect for every aesthetic or space requirement.

D – modern stairs

Progettazione e installazione di scale interne a Milano

STAIRS << Back to STAIRS Modern With the same material, thickness and colour as the windows and doors or the conservatory structure, these staircases harmonise perfectly with the rest of the environment, blending in or taking centre stage.

C – Wooden ladders

Ristrutturazione di scale in pietra per edifici storici

STAIRS << Back to STAIRS Wood Wooden ladders, neutral and delicate like those of barns, to climb up light and functional mezzanines in an absolutely discreet way.

B – iron stairs

Scale con struttura in metallo

STAIRS << Back to STAIRS Iron Iron is used to create staircases with simple lines but also highly-designed ingenious shapes, to make them the stars of the room.